# Update Indexes table

This endpoint updates a given Indexes table.

Method Path Operation*
PATCH /account/services/indexes/{index} update_indexes_table


In order for a user to perform the "update_indexes_table" operation, the "update_indexes_table" permission must be included in the list of allowed actions in the statement of the user's role.

# Request


You can add a new property or update the name of an exiting property. Please note that the entire "properties" dictionary must be included in the request body when adding new properties or updating existing properties. The new "properties" dictionary content will replace the old "properties" dictionary content.
Adding a new property
When adding a new property, add a new property after the existing one(s) and a data type for this property to the "types" list. You must as well add a new template for the property. Updating an exiting property
When updating a property name, add a list containing the old and the new property name (e.g. ["gdansk_ozone", "gdansk_ozone_new"]).It is not possible to update the property type.

Parameter Type In Description
string path Name of the Indexes table to be updated.
optional *
string body Rule used to select Twins that should be present in the given Indexes table. This rule is evaluated when the Ledger is changed. This rule is not evaluated when a user or a Twin are changed.
optional **
dictionary body
Dictionary containing a list of property column names and a list of data types of the property columns. You can add a new property or update the name of an exiting property.
Attribute Type Description
names list of strings Names of the property columns. Each of the names must match the regular expression(opens new window) ^[a-z_][0-9a-z_]{0,63}$.
types list of strings, value is "bigint", "bool", "boolean", "character varying", "date", "double precision", "geography", "geometry", "int", "integer", "interval", "json", "jsonb", "numeric", "real", "smallint", "text", "time", "timestamp", "timestamptz", "varchar", or "uuid". Data types of the property columns.
optional ***
dictionary body Dictionary containing templates for "properties" in form of key-value pairs:
- key: property name,
- value: template.
The templates follow the Python string str.format() convention (see Format String Syntax(opens new window)).


This parameter is optional. If it is not included in the request, no changes will be made to the Indexes table.


If the "properties" dictionary with attributes is provided in the request body, the "properties" dictionary from the request body will replace the current "properties" dictionary.

If no attributes are provided in the request body of "properties" ("properties": {}), or if "properties" with the value null is provided in the request body, the response will return an error, because "properties" columns cannot be removed.
If the request body does not contain "properties", no changes will be made to the "properties" field.


If the "templates" dictionary with attributes is provided in the request body, the "templates" dictionary from the request body will replace the current "templates" dictionary.

If no attributes are provided in the request body of "templates" ("templates": {}), or if "templates" with the value null is provided in the request body, the response will return an error, because "templates" columns cannot be removed.
If the request body does not contain "templates", no changes will be made to the "templates" field.
The "templates" dictionary must be provided if you are adding a new property.

# Response

Attribute Type Description
stats dictionary
Indexes table stats.
Attribute Type Description
table_size integer Size, in bytes, of actual data stored in the database table backing the Index.
index_size integer Size, in bytes, of indices created on the database table backing the index.
toast_size integer Size, in bytes, of the TOAST (The Oversized-Attribute Storage Technique(opens new window)) data for the database table backing the index.
total_size integer Total size, in bytes, of the database relation (sum of actual, indices and toast data) backing the index.
properties dictionary
Dictionary containing a list of property names and a list of data types of the properties.
Attribute Type Description
names list of strings Names of the properties. Each of the names must match the regular expression(opens new window) ^[a-z_][0-9a-z_]{0,63}$.
types list of strings, value is "bigint", "bool", "boolean", "character varying", "date", "double precision", "geography", "geometry", "int", "integer", "interval", "json", "jsonb", "numeric", "real", "smallint", "text", "time", "timestamp", "timestamptz", "varchar", or "uuid". Data types of the properties.
rule string Rule used to select Twins that should be present in the given Indexes table.
templates dictionary Dictionary containing templates for "properties" in form of key-value pairs:
- key: property name,
- value: template.
The templates follow the Python string str.format() convention (see Format String Syntax(opens new window)).
database string Database UUID.

# Status codes

Requests to this endpoint result in generic status codes. For a comprehensive list of status codes, please consult the Status codes section.

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