# Resource Access Log

# About

The Trusted Twin platform allows you to log data about access to resources in your account by your own account (personal account) as well as foreign accounts. The data is stored in the form of a user-defined Timeseries table.

In order to use the Resource Access Log to log access to resources in your account:

  1. Create a Timeseries table* where the Resource Access Log data is to be stored (see Timeseries configuration section);
  2. Configure the Resource Access Log represented by the previously defined Timeseries table for the account (see Account configuration section).

You can create multiple Timeseries tables to log the access to resources in your account.

Each of the tables needs to be added to the account's configuration (through the update_account endpoint). For more details, please see the Enabling Resource Access Log section.


Please note that Timeseries is a Trusted Twin advance database service, and it needs to be enabled for an account. Please get in touch with hello@trustedtwin.com to enable the advanced database services for your account.

# Timeseries configuration

The Resource Access Log is stored in a user-defined Timeseries table. You can create a Timeseries table via the create_timeseries_table endpoint.

Please refer to Resource Access Log template variables for template variables available for the Resource Access Log templates.

# Example configuration

Below you can find an example of a request body used to create a Timeseries table used to store the Resource Access Log:

In order to access the Timeseries database, please follow the steps in the Database services access article.

# Template variables

In the below sections you can find variables available for the Resource Access Log divided into categories with examples. The examples are based on the Timeseries configuration provided in the Example configuration section above.

# Request variables

Variable Column name Description
request_uuid request_uuid Request UUID.
request_ts request_ts Timestamp of the request. Measured in seconds (to three decimal places) that have elapsed since the Unix epoch(opens new window).
operation operation Name of the operation.
status_code status_code Status of the request.
RESOURCES resources Resource passed in the request.
PARAMS params Query string parameters passed in the request.

# Example

request_uuid request_ts operation status_code resources params
74239fad-816e-4e75-b6fd-d4a4c50df0d2 1704184875.00 get_twin 200 {"twin": "78772552-f372-4cce-ac36-247af4bcb95c"} {"show_terminated": "false"}

# Requestor variables

Variable Column name Description
account account Account UUID of the requestor.
role role Role UUID of the requestor.
user user User UUID of the requestor.

# Example

account role user
20db3819-4cc2-44b5-bba5-fb270f105c07 27295dc1-bfbf-43bd-870c-bce2a1ff942e ed32777c-efe6-4fac-b1fd-0c17b6a6c9ce

# Authentication variables

Variable Column name Description
auth_type auth_type Denotes the authentication used. It can be either secret for authentication performed with a user secret or token for authentication performed with a user token.
auth_fingerprint auth_fingerprint 4 last characters of the User Secret of the calling user or the User Secret that was used to generate the User Token of the calling user.
auth_validity_ts auth_validity_ts Validity of the User Secret or the User Token of the calling user. Measured in seconds (to three decimal places) that have elapsed since the Unix epoch(opens new window).

# Example

auth_type auth_fingerprint auth_validity_ts
user xds8 1735821675.00
token xds8 1735821675.00

# Twin variables

Variable Column name Description
twin twin Twin UUID of the requestor.
twin_status twin_status Status of a Twin. Value can be "alive" or "terminated".
twin_creator twin_creator Account UUID of the account that created the Twin.
twin_owner twin_owner Account UUID of the account which is the current owner of the Twin.
twin_created_ts twin_created_ts Time at which the Twin was created. Measured in seconds (to three decimal places) that have elapsed since the Unix epoch(opens new window).
twin_updated_ts twin_updated_ts Time at which the Twin was last updated. Measured in seconds (to three decimal places) that have elapsed since the Unix epoch(opens new window).

# Example

twin twin_status twin_creator twin_owner twin_created_ts twin_updated_ts
e2a2d605-8f87-40a9-a8c6-80b1309860ac alive a517cacf-6819-4c24-a4c9-934678f66c81 a517cacf-6819-4c24-a4c9-934678f66c81 1722598875.00 1725461001.00

# Ledger variables

Variable Column name Description
LEDGER ledger Dictionary where keys are names of Entries and values denote whether the requestor could read the Entry's value ("ok") or whether the value was not accessible to the requestor ("error").

# Example

{ "entry_1": "ok", "entry_2": "error"}

# Doc variables

Variable Column name Description
DOCS docs Dictionary where the key is the name of the Doc and the value is a dictionary containing Doc creation timestamp ("doc_created_ts") and timestamp of last Doc update ("doc_updated_ts").

# Example

{ "doc_name_1": {"doc_created_ts": "1702934158.00", "doc_updated_ts": "1703020558.00"}}

# Resources and operations logged

The Resource Access Log can be configured to log access to the following resources for the following operations:

Resource Operation Personal account Foreign account Template variables
Twin create_twin request_uuid, request_ts, account, role, user, auth_type, auth_fingerprint, auth_validity_ts, operation, status_code, twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts
Twin get_twin request_uuid, request_ts, account, role, user, auth_type, auth_fingerprint, auth_validity_ts, operation, status_code, RESOURCES, PARAMS, twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts
Twin update_twin request_uuid, request_ts, account, role, user, auth_type, auth_fingerprint, auth_validity_ts, operation, status_code, RESOURCES, twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts
Twin terminate_twin request_uuid, request_ts, account, role, user, auth_type, auth_fingerprint, auth_validity_ts, operation, status_code, RESOURCES, twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts
Twin create_twin_identity request_uuid, request_ts, account, role, user, auth_type, auth_fingerprint, auth_validity_ts, operation, status_code, RESOURCES, twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts
Twin get_twin_identity request_uuid, request_ts, account, role, user, auth_type, auth_fingerprint, auth_validity_ts, operation, status_code, RESOURCES, PARAMS, twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts
Twin update_twin_identity request_uuid, request_ts, account, role, user, auth_type, auth_fingerprint, auth_validity_ts, operation, status_code, RESOURCES, twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts
Twin delete_twin_identity request_uuid, request_ts, account, role, user, auth_type, auth_fingerprint, auth_validity_ts, operation, status_code, RESOURCES, twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts
Twin, Ledger add_twin_ledger_entry request_uuid, request_ts, account, role, user, auth_type, auth_fingerprint, auth_validity_ts, operation, status_code, RESOURCES twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts
Twin, Ledger, Entry get_twin_ledger_entry request_uuid, request_ts, account, role, user, auth_type, auth_fingerprint, auth_validity_ts, operation, status_code, RESOURCES, PARAMS, twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts, LEDGER
Twin, Ledger, Entry get_twin_ledger_entry_value request_uuid, request_ts, account, role, user, auth_type, auth_fingerprint, auth_validity_ts, operation, status_code, RESOURCES, PARAMS, twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts, LEDGER
Twin, Ledger, Entry update_twin_ledger_entry request_uuid, request_ts, account, role, user, auth_type, auth_fingerprint, auth_validity_ts, operation, status_code, RESOURCES, PARAMS, twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts, LEDGER
Twin, Ledger, Entry update_twin_ledger_entry_value request_uuid, request_ts, account, role, user, auth_type, auth_fingerprint, auth_validity_ts, operation, status_code, RESOURCES, PARAMS, twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts, LEDGER
Twin, Ledger, Entry update_twin_ledger_entry_ref_value request_uuid, request_ts, account, operation, RESOURCES, PARAMS, twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts, LEDGER
Twin, Ledger, Entry delete_twin_ledger_entry request_uuid, request_ts, account, role, user, auth_type, auth_fingerprint, auth_validity_ts, operation, status_code, RESOURCES, PARAMS, twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts, LEDGER
Twin attach_twin_doc request_uuid, request_ts, account, role, user, auth_type, auth_fingerprint, auth_validity_ts, operation, status_code, RESOURCES, twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts, DOCS
Twin, Doc get_twin_doc request_uuid, request_ts, account, role, user, auth_type, auth_fingerprint, auth_validity_ts, operation, status_code, RESOURCES, PARAMS, twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts, DOCS
Twin, Doc update_twin_doc request_uuid, request_ts, account, role, user, auth_type, auth_fingerprint, auth_validity_ts, operation, status_code, RESOURCES, twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts, DOCS
Twin, Doc delete_twin_doc request_uuid, request_ts, account, role, user, auth_type, auth_fingerprint, auth_validity_ts, operation, status_code, RESOURCES, PARAMS, twin, twin_status, twin_owner, twin_creator, twin_created_ts, twin_updated_ts, DOCS

# Account configuration

# Enabling Resource Access Log

The Resource Access Log is enabled at the account-level through adding the "resource_access_log" property when updating the account (update_account).

# Updating Resource Access log

The Resource Access Log can be updated through the update_account endpoint. The new request body will replace the content of the "resource_access_log" attribute.

# Disabling Resource Access Log

The Resource Access Log functionality can be disabled by setting the value of the "resource_access_log" property to "null" through the update_account endpoint.

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