# Welcome!

Welcome to the Trusted Twin developer documentation.

Explore the Trusted Twin API the way it works best for you - whether you prefer to begin with a Postman quickstart guide or jump straight into an API Reference section with code examples in your preferred programming language, we've got you covered!

# Introduction

Learn about the digital twin concept and digital twin advanced services available on the platform.

# API Changelog

The Trusted Twin API changelog lists changes to the Trusted Twin API.

# Overview

# Account & access

In this section you will learn:
- how to create a Trusted Twin account,
- how to authenticate on the Trusted Twin platform,
- how to use optional custom HTTP headers in requests,
- how to access the Trusted Twin Indexes and Timeseries databases.

# Accounting

This section describes the accounting functionalities of the Trusted Twin platform.

# Reference

Consult the Trusted Twin API reference containing resource descriptions, endpoints, methods, parameters and sample requests in various programming languages and sample responses.

# Feature guides

Learn more about selected Trusted Twin features with our guides.

# Customer Data Hub

Best practices related to the Customer Data Hub.

# Libraries

Check out our SDKs in Python and JavaScript (with a sample JavaScript client application).

# Tools

Explore Python tools developed for the Trusted Twin platform.

# Quickstart guides

Our quickstart guides let you quickly get started on the Trusted Twin platform and play with the Trusted Twin API.

# Tutorials

Explore our functionalities in depth on examples that will inspire you how to implement the Trusted Twin features for your business.

If you have any questions, please email hello@trustedtwin.com. Thank you!

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