# Status codes
# HTTP status codes
The Trusted Twin API uses HTTP status codes(opens new window) to communicate if a request has been successfully processed or not:
- Successful operations will return 2xx codes.
- Operations that result in an error due to a problem on the client's side will return 4xx codes.
- Operations that result in an error due to a problem in the Trusted Twin server will return 5xx codes.
Status code | Message | Description |
200 | OK | Successful request and response. |
201 | Created | The resource was successfully created. |
400 | Bad request | The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter or malformed parameters. |
401 | Authentication required | Authentication failed or was not provided. |
403 | Forbidden | The user does not have permissions to perform the request. |
404 | Not found | The requested resource does not exist. |
500 | Internal error | The server encountered an internal error and was not able to complete the request. |
# Error subcodes
All errors can be handled programmatically. The error response includes specific attributes and error subcodes that state the cause of the error.
Attribute | Type | Description |
subcode | string | Unique subcode of the error. |
trace | string | String identifying the specific error instance. Please reference the trace when contacting our support team to ensure the fastest resolution. |
description | string | Description that states the cause of the error. |
# Subcode examples
Below you will find a list of error subcodes. This list is not exhaustive.
Subcode | Message | Description |
400141 | quota_violation | The body of the request or the Ledger exceeds 64 kB and is, as a result, too large to process. |
400314 | invalid_characters | Characters in the body of the request are not UTF-8 encoded. Example response: "Request body contains invalid characters." |
400358 | idempotency_violation | The operation has already been performed. Example response: "Twin already terminated." . |
400415 | not_a_valid_json | The body of the request does not follow JSON syntax. You can use the JSON formatter and validator(opens new window) to check if the request is JSON compliant. Example response: "Request body is not a valid JSON." . |
400589 | request_format | The format of the request is not correct. Example response: "body::description->__key__: string does not match regex ^[a-z_][0-9a-z_]{0,63}$". |
400592 | operation_order_violation | Operations have not been conducted in correct order. Example response: "Remove User before removing a Role." . |
400897 | operation_not_allowed | A User cannot grant permissions that are not included in the "statement" of their own role. Example response: "You cannot grant permissions that are not included in the 'statement' of your role: {}." |
400926 | field_required | The request is missing a required field. |
400979 | service_disabled | The service is not enabled for the Account. Example response: "Timeseries not enabled for Account" . Please contact hello@trustedtwin.com for more details about enabling the service for your Account. |
401000 | unauthorized | The User could not be authenticated. Example responses: "Invalid secret." , "Authorization header not provided." , "Operation not allowed." . |
403535 | access_forbidden | The User does not have permission to access the requested resource. Example response: "No access to the resource(s): Not a Twin owner." |
404653 | not_found | The resource could not be found in the system. |
50000x | internal_error | The server encountered an internal error and was not able to complete the request. |
50x159 | response_timeout | A server is taking too long to reply to a data request made from another device. |
500314 | services_database_no_connection | Connection could not be established to the Timeseries database. Example response: "Could not connect to Timeseries database." |
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