# Overview

Attribute Type Description
uuid string Database UUID.
default boolean Denotes whether the given database is the default database for the account.
status string, value is "running", "pending", or "service" Status of the database:
- "running": The Timeseries database is running.
- "pending": The Timeseries database is in the process of initialising.
- "service": Unexpected behaviour occurred and the Timeseries database is not available.
database_size integer Size, in bytes, of the database.
instance_type string, value is "micro", "medium", "xlarge", or "custom" Instance type used in the database.
note string User-defined note. The maximum length of a note is 256 characters.
created_ts timestamp Time at which the database was created. Measured in seconds (to three decimal places) that have elapsed since the Unix epoch(opens new window).
updated_ts timestamp Time at which the database was last updated. Measured in seconds (to three decimal places) that have elapsed since the Unix epoch(opens new window).

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