# Overview

# Alive Twin

In our example we see the response for a Twin with the Twin UUID "f63ce1df-4643-49b2-9d34-38f4b35b9c7a". The Twin was created ("creator") and is owned ("owner") by the account with the account UUID "9891264d-4a77-4fa2-ae7f-84c9af14ae3b". The "status" of the Twin is "alive" - it means that the "description" can be updated by the owner of the Twin.

# Terminated Twin

In our example we see the response for a Twin with the Twin UUID "f63ce1df-4643-49b2-9d34-38f4b35b9c7a". It was created ("creator"), is owned ("owner"), and was terminated ("issuer") by the account with the account UUID "9891264d-4a77-4fa2-ae7f-84c9af14ae3b". The status of the Twin is "terminated" - it means that the "description" of the Twin cannot be updated. Ledger Entries, Identities, and Docs can be attached to alive and terminated Twins by all users involved in the process.

Attribute Type Description
owner string Account UUID of the account which is the current owner of the Twin. The ownership of a Twin can be transferred.
status string, value is "alive" or "terminated" The status of a Twin can be "alive" or "terminated". In case of alive Twins, the "description" can be updated by the owner of the Twin. In case of terminated Twins, the "description" cannot be updated. Ledger Entries, Identities, and Docs can be attached to alive and terminated Twins by all users involved in the process.
updated_ts timestamp Time at which the Twin was last updated. Measured in seconds (to three decimal places) that have elapsed since the Unix epoch(opens new window).
description dictionary Attributes of the Twin defined by the owner in form of key-value pairs:
- key: It must match the regular expression(opens new window) ^[a-z_][0-9a-z_]{0,63}$.
- value: JSON compliant value.
Only the owner of the Twin can update the description of the Twin.
For more details consult the description section.
creation_certificate dictionary
Certificate generated automatically by the system upon creation of the Twin. It cannot be modified after it has been generated.
Attribute Type Description
uuid string Twin UUID. It is generated automatically when the Twin is created and stored in the "uuid" field of the creation certificate.
creator string Account UUID of the account creating the Twin.
created_ts timestamp Time at which the Twin was created. Measured in seconds (to three decimal places) that have elapsed since the Unix epoch(opens new window).
termination_certificate dictionary
Certificate generated automatically by the system when the Twin is terminated. It cannot be modified after it has been generated.
Attribute Type Description
issuer string Account UUID of the account terminating the Twin.
terminated_ts timestamp Time at which the Twin was terminated. Measured in seconds (to three decimal places) that have elapsed since the Unix epoch(opens new window).

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