# Postman quickstart guide
This tutorial shows how to quickly get set up with Postman(opens new window) and use it to explore the Trusted Twin API.
# Introduction
Postman(opens new window) is an API platform used for API testing. You can use Postman to send HTTP requests and obtain responses via a graphical user interface for free.
# Prerequisites
In order to use the Trusted Twin API collections in Postman, you will need to download the Postman app or use Postman in a web browser.
To download Postman:
- Go to https://www.postman.com/downloads(opens new window).
- Choose your operating system.
- Download Postman.
- Open the downloaded file and follow the installation steps.
To access Postman via a web browser:
- Go to https://go.postman.co/home(opens new window).
- Sign up to use the web browser version of Postman.
# Trusted Twin Postman collections
There are two Trusted Twin API collections available.
# Trusted Twin API demo
The Trusted Twin API demo collection(opens new window) allows you to send requests for Trusted Twin objects such as the Twin, Ledger, and Identity. To explore the full range of the Trusted Twin API, use the collection Trusted Twin API full version(opens new window).
In order to use this collection, you will need to create a free Trusted Twin Account through the Trusted Twin Self-care panel(opens new window).
Go to the Trusted Twin API demo collection.(opens new window)
In order to use the collection, you need to fork it:
- On the collection overview tab, click on the fork icon in the upper-right corner.
- Enter a Fork label and Location (workspace) of the collection. Click on the Fork collection button.
# Trusted Twin API full version
This collection contains all requests available on the Trusted Twin platform. Please note that the Timeseries and Indexes services need to be enabled on your account separately. Please contact hello@trustedtwin.com for more details.
In order to use this collection, you will need to create a free Trusted Twin Account through the Trusted Twin Self-care panel(opens new window).
Go to the Trusted Twin API full version collection(opens new window).
In order to use the collection, you need to fork it:
- On the collection overview tab, click on the fork icon in the upper-right corner.
- Enter a Fork label and Location (workspace) of the collection. Click on the Fork collection button.
# Authentication
On the Trusted Twin platform, the User Secret is the API key required to access Trusted Twin API methods. It should be passed in the HTTP Authorization header of each request. For more details, see the User authentication section.
In order to generate the User Secret (API key), create a free Trusted Twin Account through the Trusted Twin Self-care panel(opens new window).
To configure the User Secret (API key) for all your requests in Postman:
- In your collection, go to the Authorization tab.
- In the Type section, select API Key from the dropdown menu.
- In the Key section, type in Authorization.
- In the Value section, type in your User Secret.
- In the Add to section, leave the default setting (Header).
# Send a request to the Trusted Twin API
To send a request to the Trusted Twin API:
- On the left-hand side, click on the name of the Trusted Twin collection to view folders holding endpoints related to each object.
- Click on the folder to view the list of endpoints.
- Select an endpoint. Depending on the endpoint, you might need to include parameters in the path, or body of the request:
- If there is a required parameter in the path of the request, it will be wrapped in , for example:
- If there is a required or optional request body, a draft of the request body will be included in the
To obtain information about optional query string parameters as well as documentation on the respective endpoint, click on the documentation
icon on the right-hand side and click on the provided link to be taken to the relevant documentation section.
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