# Create batch

This endpoint creates a batch for a given operation. Please note that the permission of the operation requested to be performed in batch must be included in the statement of the role of the calling user.
For more information about the format of files that can be uploaded in batch, please visit the batch file section.

Method Path Operation*
POST /batches create_batch


In order for a user to perform the "create_batch" operation, the "create_batch" permission must be included in the list of allowed actions in the statement of the user's role.

# Request

Parameter Type In Description
string body URL handler generated through the create_upload_url endpoint.
string body Name of the operation to be performed in batch. For a comprehensive list of operations, please see the List of endpoints section.
optional *
string body SHA-256 hash(opens new window). It must match the regular expression(opens new window) '^[a-f0-9]{64}$'.
optional *
dictionary body User-defined key-value pair:
- key: It must match the regular expression(opens new window) ^[a-z_][0-9a-z_]{0,63}$.
- value: JSON-compliant value.


If the "hash" parameter is provided in the request, the method will check whether the hash provided by the user is equivalent to the hash generated for the batch. If they don't match, a copy of the batch will not be generated.

# Response

Attribute Type Description
batch string Batch UUID.
status string, value can be "new", "copying", "copied", "hash_mismatch", "validating", "validation_failed", "processing", "processed", "writing_results", "cancel", "cancelling", "cancelled", "deleting", "completed" Status of the batch. For more details, see the Batch statuses section.
created_ts timestamp Time at which the batch was created. Measured in seconds (to three decimal places) that have elapsed since the Unix epoch(opens new window).
updated_ts timestamp Time at which the batch was last updated. Measured in seconds (to three decimal places) that have elapsed since the Unix epoch(opens new window)

# Status codes

Requests to this endpoint result in generic status codes. For a comprehensive list of status codes, please consult the Status codes section.

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