# Get user usage
This endpoint retrieves the usage data of a given user.
Method | Path | Operation* |
GET | /usage/{user} | get_user_usage |
In order for a user to perform the "get_user_usage" operation, the "get_user_usage" permission must be included in the list of allowed actions in the statement of the user's role.
# Request
Parameter | Type | In | Description |
{user} required | string | path | User UUID whose usage data are to be retrieved. |
# Response
# Usage items
Item | Category | Description |
db_read_cost | database | DB read operations abstract cost. |
db_write_cost | database | DB write operations abstract cost. |
hist_db_read_cost | database | Number of rows read from History database. |
hist_db_write_cost | database | Number of rows modified in History database. |
ts_db_read_cost | database | Number of rows read from Timeseries database. |
ts_db_write_cost | database | Number of rows modified in Timeseries database. |
ix_db_read_cost | database | Number of rows read from Indexes database. |
ix_db_write_cost | database | Number of rows modified in Indexes database. |
stickers_db_read_cost | database | number of rows read from the Stickers database. |
stickers_db_write_cost | database | Number of rows modified in the Stickers database. |
adv_db_read_cost | database | Number of rows read from Advanced Database Services database. |
adv_db_write_cost | database | Number of rows modified in the Advanced Database Services database. |
batch_db_read_cost | database | Number of rows read from Batches database. |
batch_db_write_cost | database | Number of rows modified in the Batches database. |
rest_count | requests | Number of REST requests processed. |
request_count | requests | Number of task requests processed. |
task_publish_topic_count | requests | Number of publishes to subscription topics. |
task_{name}_count* | tasks | Number of specified task requests processed. |
doc_size_delta | storage | Doc storage space used delta (based on the actual file sizes). |
access_optimized_doc_size_delta | storage | Doc storage space used delta for access_optimized storage. |
cost_optimized_doc_size_delta | storage | Doc storage space used delta for cost_optimized storage. |
database_size_delta | storage | Database volume size delta in bytes (used for advanced database services). |
ledger_size_delta | storage | Ledgers size delta in bytes. |
history_db_size_delta | storage | History database size delta in bytes. |
twins_created | objects | Number of created Twins. |
twins_terminated | objects | Number of terminated Twins. |
identities_added | objects | Number of Identities added. |
identities_deleted | objects | Number of Identities deleted. |
ledgers_added | objects | Number of Ledgers added. |
ledgers_deleted | objects | Number of deleted Ledgers. |
task_queue_count | system | Number of queue requests processed. |
doc_queue_count | system | Doc processing service messages send counter. |
database_queue_count | system | Number of handled advanced database messages. |
result_io_count | system | Task result cache I/O operations count. |
log_io_count | system | Log cache I/O operations count. |
dead_service_count | system | Number of updates to Ledger entries with Timeseries configuration, when service was not enabled for account. |
l1_hit_count | cache | DB L1 cache hit counter. |
l2_hit_count | cache | DB L2 cache hit counter. |
l2_miss_count | cache | DB L2 cache miss counter. |
ts_conn_pool_hit_count | cache | Number of times when Timeseries database connection was already available in the pool. |
ts_conn_pool_miss_count | cache | Number of times when Timeseries database connection was not available in the pool. |
ts_conn_pool_broken_count | cache | Number of times when connections to Timeseries database failed verification. |
ts_conn_pool_new_count | cache | Number of successful new connections to Timeseries database. |
ts_conn_pool_fail_count | cache | Number of unsuccessful connections tries to Timeseries database. |
ix_conn_pool_hit_count | cache | Number of times when Indexes database connection was already available in the pool. |
ix_conn_pool_miss_count | cache | Number of times when Indexes database connection was not available in the pool. |
ix_conn_pool_broken_count | cache | Number of times when connections to Indexes database failed verification. |
ix_conn_pool_new_count | cache | Number of successful new connections to Indexes database. |
ix_conn_pool_fail_count | cache | Number of unsuccessful connections tries to Indexes database. |
db_io_time | time | ODB operations I/O time. |
l2_io_time | time | DB L2 cache I/O time. |
result_io_time | time | Task result cache I/O operations time. |
log_io_time | time | Log cache I/O operations time. |
lambda_time | time | Time spent in the request handler lambda. |
doc_outbound_traffic_delta | transfer | Size of downloaded files in bytes. |
database_outbound_traffic_delta | transfer | Database outbound traffic in bytes. |
rest_outbound_traffic_delta | transfer | REST API requests outbound traffic in bytes. |
Please see list of tasks for description of a given task.
# Tasks
Task | Category | Description |
task_get_account_count | Account | get_account |
task_get_account_count | Account | update_account |
task_create_batch_count | Batches | create_batch |
task_get_batch_count | Batches | get_batch |
task_get_batch_count | Batches | get_batches |
task_get_batch_count | Batches | update_batch |
task_get_batch_count | Batches | delete_batch |
task_create_upload_url_count | Cache | create_upload_url |
task_invalidate_upload_url_count | Cache | invalidate_upload_url |
task_get_database_count | Databases | get_database |
task_get_databases_count | Databases | get_databases |
task_update_database_count | Databases | update_database |
task_get_database_access_count | Databases | get_database_access |
task_update_database_user_access_count | Databases | update_database_user_access |
task_enable_service_count | Databases | Enables database service for an account. |
task_update_service_count | Databases | Updates database service for the account. |
task_disable_service_count | Databases | Disables database service for the account. |
tasK_add_services_database_count | Databases | Adds services database to an account. |
task_remove_services_database_count | Databases | Removes services database from an account. |
task_update_services_database_count | Databases | Updates services database for an account. |
task_attach_twin_doc_count | Docs | attach_twin_doc |
task_get_twin_doc_count | Docs | get_twin_doc |
task_get_twin_docs_count | Docs | get_twin_docs |
task_update_twin_doc_count | Docs | update_twin_doc |
task_update_twin_doc_status_count | Docs | Updates the status of Doc. |
task_delete_twin_doc_count | Docs | delete_twin_doc |
task_download_doc_count | Docs | download_twin_doc |
task_get_twin_ledger_entry_history_count | History | get_twin_ledger_entry_history |
task_history_append_count | History | Appends a History record. |
task_history_delete_count | History | Deletes a History record. |
task_create_twin_identity_count | Identities | create_twin_identity |
task_get_twin_identity_count | Identities | get_twin_identity |
task_get_twin_identities_count | Identities | get_twin_identities |
task_update_twin_identity_count | Identities | update_twin_identity |
task_delete_twin_identity_count | Identities | delete_twin_identity |
task_resolve_twin_identity_count | Identities | resolve_twin_identity.md |
task_create_indexes_table_count | Indexes | create_indexes_table |
task_get_indexes_table_count | Indexes | get_indexes_table |
task_get_indexes_tables_count | Indexes | get_indexes_tables |
task_update_indexes_table_count | Indexes | update_timeseries_table |
task_truncate_indexes_table_count | Indexes | truncate_indexes_table |
task_delete_indexes_table_count | Indexes | delete_indexes_table |
task_add_twin_ledger_entry_count | Ledgers | add_twin_ledger_entry |
task_get_twin_ledger_entry_count | Ledgers | get_twin_ledger_entry |
task_update_twin_ledger_entry_value_count | Ledgers | update_twin_ledger_entry_value |
task_update_twin_ledger_entry_count | Ledgers | update_twin_ledger_entry |
task_delete_twin_ledger_entry_count | Ledgers | delete_twin_ledger_entry |
task_add_ledger_entry_ref_count | Ledgers | Adds a Ledger Entry reference. |
task_update_ledger_entry_ref_count | Ledgers | Updates a Ledger Entry reference. |
task_delete_ledger_entry_ref_count | Ledgers | Deletes a Ledger Entry reference. |
task_get_log_count | Log | get_log |
task_webhook_subscribe_count | Notifications | webhook_subscribe |
task_create_user_role_count | Roles | create_user_role |
task_get_user_role_count | Roles | get_user_role |
task_get_user_roles_count | Roles | get_user_roles |
task_update_user_role_count | Roles | update_user_role |
task_delete_user_role_count | Roles | delete_user_role |
task_put_sticker_count | Stickers | put_sticker |
task_get_sticker_count | Stickers | get_sticker |
task_get_stickers_count | Stickers | get_stickers |
task_list_stickers_count | Stickers | list_stickers |
task_remove_sticker_count | Stickers | remove_sticker |
task_create_timeseries_table_count | Timeseries | create_timeseries_table |
task_get_timeseries_table_count | Timeseries | get_timeseries_table |
task_get_timeseries_tables_count | Timeseries | get_timeseries_tables |
task_update_timeseries_table_count | Timeseries | update_timeseries_table |
task_truncate_timeseries_table_count | Timeseries | truncate_timeseries_table |
task_delete_timeseries_table_count | Timeseries | delete_timeseries_table |
task_trace_count | Trace | trace |
task_trace_system_count | Trace | Task triggered by a trace request. |
task_create_twin_count | Twins | create_twin |
task_get_twin_count | Twins | get_twin |
task_scan_twins_count | Twins | scan_twins |
task_update_twin_count | Twins | update_twin |
task_delete_twin_count | Twins | delete_twin |
task_get_account_usage_count | Usage | get_account_usage |
task_get_user_usage_count | Usage | get_user_usage |
task_create_user_count | Users | create_user |
task_get_user_count | Users | get_user |
task_get_users_count | Users | get_user |
task_update_user_count | Users | update_user |
task_delete_user_count | Users | delete_user |
task_create_user_secret_pin_count | User Secrets | create_user_secret_pin |
task_get_user_secret_count | User Secrets | get_user_secret |
task_update_user_secret_count | User Secrets | update_user_secret |
task_delete_user_secret_count | User Secrets | delete_a_user_secret |
task_create_user_token_count | User Token | create_user_token |
task_refresh_user_token_count | User Token | refresh_user_token |
task_who_am_i_count | Who am I | who am I |
# Status codes
Requests to this endpoint result in generic status codes. For a comprehensive list of status codes, please consult the Status codes section.
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